Monday, November 15, 2010

Move of The Week: Double Straight Leg Stretch

 •Lie on your back and extend your legs straight up toward the ceiling. Rotate the legs out slightly, keeping the heels together and inner legs pulled in the center line, in Pilates stance.

Place your hands behind your head, keeping the elbows and wide and chest open.

Inhale and on the exhale, pull your abdominals down to the floor. Allow that motion to press your lower back into the floor as your curl your upper torso up off the floor. You will maintain this core strength torso position throughout the exercise.

Inhale: Keeping abdominals pulled in and the back pressed to mat, lengthen your legs out of your hips as you lower them.

Go only as far as your can maintain control and good alignment. Do not let your back pop up off the mat. Use your upper abs. to maintain the lift of the chest. Don't try to hold your self up by pulling on your head and neck with the elbows and hands(a common temptation)!

Exhale: With control deepen the abs. even more as you return the legs upright.

Check your position - Pilates stance, open chest, wide elbows, abdominals pulled in.

Repeat the exercise 6 - 8 times.
Breathe. Your abs. are pulled in and working hard, so this is a good opportunity to practice breathing deeply into your back and sides.

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